Marketing Materials

Created the following collateral items including a tri-fold brochure and two-sided English/Spanish fact cards for 22 schools used in mail-out campaigns, distributed at events and job fairs, and displayed at schools and district buildings:

District Tri-Fold Brochure

School Fact Cards

Bryan ISD Showcase

Built and implemented a communications plan to promote the inaugural Bryan ISD Showcase and Evening of Academic Excellence events, including the following methods:

Hosted Facebook events for each event that reached 22,000 people

Facilitated community promotion through posters, marquee announcements, signs and more

Created printed and electronic invitations

Pitched and coordinated local media stories

Realignment Information Campaign

Prepared parents, employees and the community for the adoption of new attendance zones and grade alignment though various methods including the following:

Created a video (earlier versions received additional views)

Formed a website portal consisting of related content

Created "Realignment Made Easy" flyers

Designed high school program flyers

Redesigned Website

Project manager for the redesign of & 23 school websites


In serving as project manager for the new, I oversaw the design of a responsive website that is both attractive and user-friendly. The communications department received positive feedback about the new district website and 22 school websites. Employees loved the ease of sharing and profiling information. Parents loved the simplicity of the design and ease of access to desired content. Additionally, the website design won a Gold Star Award from the Texas School Public Relations Association.



Desiring a format that would clearly profile the positive stories that flow through our school classrooms and hallways every day, the website is focused around rotating large cover photos. This "prime real estate" links to internally-produced website and social media stories and videos, as well as external local media stories about Bryan ISD's students, employees and schools. The responsive design adjusts to the platform used to access the sites, establishing brand consistency in other communications and marketing pieces.